Welcome from the Principal

Venus Swatek
Venus Swatek


Welcome to Roopville Elementary School! Our motto is "Learning to be responsible, respectful, and successful," and we truly take this to heart concerning all of our students. We encourage all students to give their best efforts in the classroom and to participate in the many school activities available. There are many opportunities for success for everyone at Roopville Elementary!

One of our biggest goals is to help our students feel successful and achieve academic excellence. The faculty and staff at Roopville Elementary are committed to empowering all students to reach their personal best.  By working together as parents, a community, and educators, we can build a foundation for lifelong learning.

Vision Commitments

Focusing on Learning

Providing Premier Experiences

Maximizing our Talent

Practicing Good Stewardship

STEM Certifications

District STEM Certification
National STEM

CCS Annual Report

2024 - 2025

2024 Annual Report Cover
Click cover to view Annual Report

Contact Us

60 Old Carrollton Road

Roopville, Georgia 30170

Phone:  770-854-4421

Fax: 770-854-3001